The Pilates Method

Contrology is designed to give you suppleness, natural grace and skill that will unmistakably be reflected in the way you walk, int the way you play,
and the way you work.      Joseph H. Pilates

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a system of exercises designed to condition the body for optimal health and  develop all of the muscles of the body through the the use of breath, imagery, alignment, stretch,control and well structured sequences of movements enable to body to create strength and coordination in a unique way. The Pilates Method uses springs that can support and  challenge the body to train it to move more efficiently and powerfully

Joseph Pilates, who lived from 1884-1967,  called his own system, <strong>Contrology. </strong> As a child, he suffered from asthma and rickets and from a young age studied ways to improve his health through physical conditioning. He was interned as a prisoner of war on the Isle of Man, from 1912 – 1915 and here is where he experimented with using springs to support and assist  injured soldiers and begin their healing and rehabilitation. After the war,  he observed more and more how people were losing touch with their body’s own design.  Now, 50 years after his death, it is great that so many people are now doing Pilates but we are also adoptingand more patterns of poor movement, sitting and cell phones etc, that we do all need to train better habits into our body. Joe’s dream was that everyone would be doing his exercises, even learning them in school.  Pilates is not an exercise trend or fad, but rather a powerful technique for teaching the body how it is designed to move and function and ultimately return to a better state of Health.

Who is it For

The Pilates Method is for everyone.  Whether you are an athlete, or weekend warrior, recovering from an injury or simply desiring to improve your fitness  or young or old, the Pilates Method is appropriate and adaptable for you.

Getting Started

The recommendation is to begin with at least two private lessons per week. This helps to create forward momentum in the development of your body and knowledge of the fundamentals. Maximum benefit is achieved by continuing in the private setting. However if this is not possible weekly lessons can consist of Mat, Duet lessons or Equipment classes,  supplemented by an occasional private.?

In your first Pilates session, you will learn to connect to your deepest muscles and begin to build your solid movement foundation.  Before you know it, you will experience yourself standing taller and your body’s shape shifting as well. Beginning with private lessons on the apparatus is key to feeling the difference in this Method. The springs provide resistance as well as assistance and help you to access the full length of your muscles, ultimately finding and connecting every muscle in your body.



The Pilates method is named after its creator Joseph Pilates, a boxer and gymnast who also studied yoga and martial arts. His exercises include over 500 controlled, precise movements performed on a floor mat or special apparatus, designed to help you:

  • Learn to move with your abdominals in and up to strengthen and lengthen your lower back
  • Develop your strength, flexibility, balance, and concentration through simple, effective exercises designed to lengthen your musculature while increasing muscle definition and endurance
  • Improve your posture and move with freedom and agility
  • Alleviate your chronic pain and gain a new sense of strength and control of your body

For more in-depth information and the history of Pilates, please visit the Pilates Method Alliance, ))


Pilates is known for its ability to build core strength, but that is only one of numerous benefits of the Pilates Method.  Other benefits you will experience are:

Relieve pain by improving body alignment

Correct faulty/inefficient movement patterns

Improve mobility and strength of your spine

Improve posture

Improve strength and flexibility within each exercise

Improve mental and physical performance
Prevent Injuries
Look and feel younger
Decrease stress
Build power and precision in your movements,as well as in your life

Important text
’11    Dolorem vituperata reformidans

Pilates July 15, 2016